"Remembering who He is and all He’s done will forever light up my heart like nothing else can." Amen :)

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Rachel, I love reading your words!

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I'll probably never forget our short interaction in the bathroom of PAC during Next conference a few years ago. Your encouragement of my writing was so sweet and well-timed. Thank you so much for continuing to read and encourage! 💛

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I seek this more than anything else, or so I aspire to if it wasn't for this pesky flesh I live in and wrestle with! --> "The delicious glory of being alive is how every single one of those things points to a Creator, a mysterious and powerful God, who authors every inch of joy we experience this side of Heaven. The glory is to know God and make Him known." Thank you, Rachel, for the imprint this post left on my mind to make the trip to my heart now! <3

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